GVWGA Founders
These articles were found on Newspapers.com by our 2025 President, Cindy Keller in preparation for our 90 year celebration!

Advice Article text from above
Newly organized and determined to stage an active golf season, the Women's Golf Association at Genesee Valley Park will conduct its first sweepstakes tomorrow, Sunday and Monday. Above are some of the guiding spirits snapped with George Collins, Genesee pro. From left: Mrs Elmore Taylor, president; Dorothy Ryan, secretary; George Collins; Frances Whitting, treasurer; Mrs. E.L. Miller, vice-president; and Hilda Barry, tournaments. The golf committee chairman is Miss Ada Munger.
Officer Article text from above
The Genesee valley Women's Golf Assoiation was organized last night at a meeting at the Genesee Valley course. Mrs. E. W. Taylor was elected President; Miss Dorothy Ryan is the Secretary and Miss Frances Whitting is the Treasurer.
The organization will hold a blind bogie tournament at the Genesee Valley Club Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday. Those interested in joining are asked to call the golf shop at Gen. 1056.