January 2025
Dear Members,
I just about fell off my chair when I did a search through Newspapers.com and found this: “Mrs. E. W. Taylor, President; Mrs. E. L. Miller, Vice President; Miss Dorothy Ryan, Secretary; Miss Francis Whiting, Treasurer, Miss Hilda Barry, Tournaments; Miss Ada Munger, Golf Committee Chairman. The Genesee Valley Women’s Golf Association was organized last night (June 5, 1935) at the Genesee Valley course. Newly organized and determined to stage an active golf season;” in what seemingly was a gentleman’s sport in 1935. This year, 2025, GVWGA is celebrates 90 years of women’s golf! When you have a beginning as strong as these ladies in 1935, it’s no wonder that we have endured and enjoyed these many years together in a sport we all love.
We had our first Board meeting on January 9th, and, rest assured we have hit the fairway planning and scheduling for our upcoming 2025 golf season. Save The Date - for our Spring Banquet, Tuesday, April 29th, at Ontario Golf Club. GVWGA tournament dates for 2025 are coming soon. The RDGA Tournament schedule came out January 15th . RDGA tournaments are great opportunities to play at courses you may never have played…- Stafford CC, Brook-Lea CC, Wayne Hills CC…, all beauties! Cathy Smith will be our new liaison to Penn Fair Golf. If you’re looking to get fitted for new clubs (recommend!), or just wanting to replace those worn out grips, please check out Penn Fair Golf in East-Rochester, and mention GVWGA. They continue to support GVWGA, and their staff provide great advice and service. To our snow bird ladies, enjoy the weather and the golf. For the rest of us, golf simulators and dreams for an early spring!
January Golf Funny: Heather knew her boss lady, Sandy, was out for the day and decided to sneak in a round of golf. She took her office cell phone with her just in case there was an office call. Sandy, boss lady, called Heather and asked how everything was going. Trying to keep her composure, and muffle the golf sounds, Heather said, “All under control Sandy! Is there anything you need?” To which Sandy, boss lady replied, “Could you move a little faster? I’m in the foursome behind you!”
Stay safe and warm ladies. So long…for now.
Cindy Keller

Februrary 2025
Dear Members,
In the cold of the winter, it’s great to get our GVWGA 2025 Membership Renewal email from our Membership Chair, Luisa. Membership fees have not increased for 2025. April 1st is the deadline for membership renewal to avoid a $10.00 late fee.
And, more good news, Barbie, our Tournament Chair, has posted the GVWGA 2025 Tournament Schedule (preliminary) to our website. The same member password from last year can be used to access our member's only page. If you don’t remember the password, you can contact me in reply to this message.
Pennfair Golf is extending to us a free club fitting during the month of February. They are located at 349 West Commercial Street (The Piano Works) in East Rochester. In addition to owner Steve Allen’s 10% donation to our Fall Awards Banquet, he is expanding the Pennfair Golf donation to friends and family of GVWGA members. This means anyone who purchases an item from the store and mentions GVWGA, Steve will add their purchase to our total. Steve is also planning to organize a couple of Demo Days at cooperating courses before the start of our tournaments, with the addition of a putting analysis machine. All great things coming from our favorite local place to shop for golf equipment and accessories. Thank you to GVWGA Member Michele, our Pennfair Golf connection!
RDGA has opened their registration for the RDGA Women’s Open on Monday, September 22nd at the beautiful Stafford Country Club in Stafford, New York. You can go directly to their website to sign up, as well as see the 2025 RDGA Tournament Schedule for upcoming events.
February Golf Joke: What does a golfer’s diet consist of?
A lot of greens and water. (Ouch!)
Happy Valentines’s Day!
Talk to you…soon.
Cindy Keller

President's Messages
The most recent messages from our President can be found here...

November 2024
Greetings everyone!
Bet you were expecting a letter from our new GVWGA President, Cindy Keller, but you’re stuck with her understudy. (Thank God there’s no singing or dancing involved!) Cindy has asked me to draft this letter to let you know how much she appreciates being elected President and how she's very much looking forward to working with all of us! Currently, she is helping her mom transition to an assisted living facility. Things are not going as smoothly as she hoped, so please say a prayer that she and Mom make it through the stormy waters. I believe we can all agree that family should be our foremost priority, and asking for an assist occasionally is a healthy option.
As for me, I’m also thankful for your support in giving me another two-year VP run representing an awesome group of kick-ass ladies (who happen to play golf.) I believe we have an amazing Board in place and together, with your valuable input, we will strive to make GVWGA one of the most sought-after memberships in town.
In closing, I leave you with a joke. What's the best way to keep a turkey in suspense? You'll find out at Thanksgiving dinner! (Hmmm, maybe I would do better with the singing or dancing.) Wishing you a safe and happy Thanksgiving from the entire GVWGA Board!
Best regards,
Cathy Smith
December 2024
Hello GVWGA Members,
My first newsletter as your new GVWGA President! First off, I want to thank you for giving me the “honors” for serving in this capacity. I am looking forward to listening to your ideas and concerns. I also have a fantastic Board to work with! I want to particularly thank outgoing President, Georgia Rush, for her attention to details as president, not just in the past two years, but her long lasting work/experience in years before. I also would like to thank Donna Lashbrook for her many years (too many to count but a lot!) of service as our Secretary. Not an easy task, and Donna did a great job in communicating through the taking of minutes from meetings both at the Spring and Fall banquets, and also the Board minutes, as well as working with our Treasurer, Jill Reichhart. Our new Secretary, Judy Gagnier, will more than likely be just as successful in completing the task at hand for our association, and like myself, working with a great Board to ensure a smooth transition into our new positions. The GVWGA Board will have its first meeting of the year in January, 2025. I cannot wait for our first Board meeting, and to jump into all that comes with our great association.
And so missing golf already, and with the colder months here, I will probably join some friends and head over to Glacier Ridge Sports in Spencerport. For $25.00 unlimited golf balls, I can tune up, learn, correct, and have fun. I also want to check out some of the simulators like the ones at Ontario Golf Club and Webster Golf Club. I know some of you lucky beans will be traveling to warmer weather; have fun and stay away from those water hazards! With December being here, I think we can all agree that no matter where you are, it’s a great time to be with family and friends as we celebrate the holiday. I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays. And now to close, since Cathy Smith left you with a joke (ha ha) in November’s newsletter, I will continue with this month’s funny here: “Santa played a round of golf on Christmas day to relax, and hit a birdie. It was a Partridge on a Par 3.” Oh brother that’s the best I could do?! So long…for now.
Cindy Keller